About The Product :
Our top-class formula produces a pigment that is rich and creamy, allowing you to use less of the product in each application while obtaining better results. The high viscosity also promotes accurate, long-lasting color retention – which translates into satisfied clients, pigment is a warm tone with a yellow/brown base and will mix effortlessly with other Absolute Perfection pigments should you choose to custom blend.
Our pigments also have a different texture and quality. They do not dry out like most. The micro-fine particles used, along with Ethanol, allows the pigment to dry slower, and keeps the mixture smooth, as the technician works with it.
Each of our pigments is made using natural plant ingredients to help achieve a healthy and natural look. The microblading lip pigments can outline the shape of the lips to make them appear fuller or to sculpt them into an entirely new shape. Once the shape is defined, the microblading lip pigments can fill in the lips to give them their new colour. The pigment is potent enough that the treatment will last, with regular touch-ups, for up to two years.